Photographer Eric Ogden premiered his first solo show, "A Half-Remembered Season" last month at Hous Projects Gallery in NYC. In The New Yorker blog, writer Elisabeth Biondi explored the show and Ogden's unique creative vision. In it she writes that Ogden meshes reality and fiction, creating a compelling image that seems like a still from a movie. Biondi says:
"Whether it is a child on a swing in midair, a husky looming in a hallway, or a beautiful blonde hovering at a gas station, someone is trying to tell a story. Ogden provides the scenario and then lets his subjects either act out their story or directs them to do so. He works with light and shadows, his color is saturated, and the surroundings are lush."
Each photograph featured in "A Half-Remembered Season" was picked because they are "populated with characters that seem haunted by the weight of the past". These are "images that evoke the strangeness of the everyday, and the mystery of objects and landscapes that seem to hold their secrets and allude to stories never quite explained".
"A Half-Remembered Season" is open now through May 18th at hous project.
31 Howard Street, Floor 2.
New York, NY 10013.
T:646.247.1657. info@housprojects.com
Click Here to read the New Yorker Blog Post.
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